Safe to use in Flower beds, Vegetable gardens and Lawns. It is a long-acting bait that targets both fire ants...

We deliver to Broward, Dade, and Palm Beach Counties
Atrazine Weed Killer - Hose-end Sprayer
This Ready-to-use weed killer controls emerged weeds and weeds from seed such as Dollarweed, Chickweed, Clover and much more in...
Bamboo Stakes, 4ft
Bamboo stakes are used for supporting or training young plants while they are growing. They have a wide range of...
Bamboo Stakes, 6ft
Bamboo stakes are used for supporting or training young plants while they are growing. They have a wide range of...
Bamboo Stakes, 8ft
Bamboo stakes are used for supporting or training young plants while they are growing. They have a wide range of...
Big Bag Bed
The Big Bag Bed is a fabric raised garden bed. Just Unfold, Fill and Plant! It's that easy! No need...
Big Bag Bed JR
The Big Bag Bed JR is a fabric raised garden bed. Just Unfold, Fill and Plant! It's that easy! No...
Big Bag Bed, MINI
The Big Bag Bed Mini is a fabric raised garden bed. Just Unfold, Fill and Plant! It's that easy! No...
BioAdvanced Fire Ant Killer
This Ready-to-use dust is effective the moment you apply it. It kills the Queen and the mound up to the...
Black Kow Composted Cow Manure
Composted cow manure is excellent for improving native soils. It improves aeration in heavy clay-type soils and adds waterholding capacity...
Black Velvet : Organic Peat
Organic peat is an excellent soil amendment ideal for plants in pots or in the ground. Provides nutrition while helping...
BONIDE Bontone II Rooting Powder
This fine powder is used when propagating from cuttings to speed root development. Can be used on a variety of...
Bonide Neem Oil
This 3 in one ready to use Neem oil is specialized for organic gardening. Can be used on plants indoors...
Broadloom Sedge Control
Use Broadloom Sedge Control on established Bahia Grass, Zoysia Grass, St. Augustine grass and much more. It kills certain Broadleaf...
Brunello Planter
Brush Killer
Can be used as a foliar spray to kill vines, hard to control plants or anything not desired in...
Copper Fungicide, Liquid
A fungicide that controls fungus on vegetables, ornamentals, fruit and nut crops and algae in turfgrass....
Emma Planter
Eva Planter
F-Stop Fungicide
Granular fungicide specially designed for preventing and controlling major lawn diseases. Can be used on all types of lawns....
Fertilizer, Bloom Special
This 6-8-10 fertilizer is formulated to enhance flowering in plants like bougainvillea, hibiscus, rose, penta, and any other flowering plant....
Fertilizer, Citrus and Fruit Trees
This 8-4-8 fertilizer is formulated to promote abundant blossoms and fruit setting. It is excellent for any fruiting tree. The fertilizer...
Fertilizer, Palm Special
This 8-2-12 fertilizer is specially formulated for Palms. It contains all of the elements essential to the health and vigor...
Fertilizer, Shrub Special
This 8-8-8 fertilizer is specially formulated for green shrubs and used widely as a general fertilizer for all plants. The fertilizer...
Fertilizer, Turf Special
This 16-4-8 fertilizer is specially formulated for feeding turf. The fertilizer is granular, complete with micronutrients and slow-release so it's...
Fold Planter
FOXFARM: Acid Loving Plants Fertilizer
This certified organic fertilizer was specially made for any and all acid loving plants included but not limited to Azaleas,...
FOXFARM: All-Purpose Fertilizer
A ready-to-use, certified organic fertilizer made for vegetable gardens, ornamental gardens and potted plants. It contains Mycorrhizal fungi to help...
FOXFARM: Big Bloom Liquid Fertilizer
This certified organic fertilizer is derived from earthworm castings and bat guano amongst other ingredients found in nature that help...